Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back Up!

Hello fellow bloggers & family! :) I am proud to announce that I have internet at home again! WOOHOO for me! Wow, so much has been going on in my life since I last "for real" blogged.

I am still working for the same company. We are moving to a new office building in the middle of October. I'm excited b/c it's a little closer to my apartment (not by much but whateve). We are hiring like crazy and hopefully we will get really busy in the next few months!

I'm still living in my apartment in Cottonwood. My room mate and I for lack of better words DO NOT get along. lol. I have been counting down the days until my lease is up since like April! haha. But we live and learn I guess....I should have learned a long time ago though that I just can't live with room mates. So in January my lease is up and I'm KEEPING MY FINGERS crossed that I can find a cozy basement apartment in the same area. Wherever I end up moving will be 100% random roomies! :)

I have a boyfriend, whom I have mentioned before. We are still dating. I have had a really hard time trusting another relationship. Fortunately for me, he is the most patient person EVER and has stuck with me throughout all my emotional break downs. He is in his 3rd year of electrician school and only has one more year to go. As much as I want to move back to FL or even GA, I have secretly agreed to wait for him to finish school. :) At this point, I can't see myself moving w/o him.

Let's see...I haven't been into much of the party scene since I met Shawn. We do still go out for an occational football game or birthday party but mostly we stay in and watch Which is why my movie collection has surely doubled since I met him! I'm tellin' ya the 4 for $20 at blockbuster is the way to go! And if UP would hurry up and come out on DVD it would really make me happy. I have also took up cooking more than ever. Shawn likes my food, thank goodness, because I'm not a great cook and he's fairly picky! My goal is to have a full spice shelf so that I don't have to constantly run to the store for a certain meal. I'm jealous of mom's! :)

OH-How on earth could I forget! My hot pink phone and I have had an off again, on again relationship. Well, thanks to mom, it is offcially OFF! Mom took me to AT&T to look at phones for an early b-day present. The AT&T girls could barely hold back their laughter when they saw my dinosaur of a phone. When I asked if they had anything simple, similar to my pink phone, the lady said "Oh, no body makes phones like that anymore...not for years!" lol. Anyway, I found a touch screen, Samsung Eternity, that I LOVE! There are tons of things I can do on it like IM, e-mail, games, etc BUT I just use text and call. I LOVE it though!

Ok, I know I'm just rambling on and on but I'm so excited to be up and running again! Hope I was able to catch ya all up on a few months.

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