Well fellow bloggers and blog followers, I attempted to make sugar cookie dough this evening. I failed! lol.
Last week mom gave me the ingredient list & instructions on how to make Grandma Odom's sugar cookies. I haven't been in the mood to bake but this evening I thought I'd knock out the cookie dough (because it refriderates over night) and then bake the cookies tomorrow. This is what followed...
I got out all the ingredients and pre heated the oven. After mixing a few ingredients I reminded myself that I didn't need to pre-heat the oven b/c I wouldn't be baking them tonight. Turned the oven off. Mom bought me a brandnew mixer for Christmas...it came early b/c I wanted to bake so bad. I've never had my own mixer so being the responsible girl I like to pretend I am I read the the Mixer pamplet. After the 3rd page I got bored, stuck the beaters in and went to town. I soon realized that maybe the bowl I was using was too small but I didn't need the mixer anymore so I kept using the bowl. The very last ingredient...the flour. OMG, I made the biggest mess! I opened the flour and POOF! lol. I added 2 cups of flour to my sad looking cookie dough and realized I would for sure have to switch bowls. So I switched the cookie dough to a new bowl that in reality is only about an inch wider and an inch shallower!!! 3rd and 4th cup of flour goes in. And the mess gets bigger! The dough is crumbly! lol.
So in a full on panic I call mom. She let's me know that sweetened condensed milk is NOT the same as canned milk. I bought the 1st of the 2....mistake # 9 million! lol. So I improvised (well I just took Mom's wise advice) and added a few teaspoons of whole milk. YAY the dough started looking more like dough! So in the fridge it went.
I will keep you posted on part 2....baking home made cookies w/o burning the apartment complex down.
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