Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why...Because I Can

Hey everyone in the blogging world, family, & friends! I've decided to start blogging, well, because I can! :) I have a lot going on in my life right now and writing or typing tends to help me release my stress! I'm not really here for anyone but me. This blog is for me...to vent, share pictures, and umm..VENT. Hope you enjoy the randomness of my personality and the scatterbrained-ness (<--is that even a word??) of my blogs. Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Do I get to be the first to post?? WooHoo
    I think blogging was meant to do exactly what you are doing...sharing the good the bad and the ugly...afterall...a blog is a journal, not sure why people use them as a means to brag about all their accomplishments and make their lives seem picture perfect. Oh well, to each his/her own!!

    I love you Caitlin! I'm proud of all your accomplishments and know you will add many more to your life this year.

    Big hugs from big mama!
