Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have a Justin Bobby

I LOVE the t.v. show The Hills!! If you have watched the show then you know who Justin Bobby is...if you haven't watched the show then you might be a little lost. lol

Probably everyone has had a Justin Bobby in their life. A J.B. is someone that you totally enjoy spending time with, you have tons of things in common, your a little smitten by this person, but ultimately he just isn't good for you! I have one of those in my life right now. It's like he has a pull over me for some reason. Everytime I feel like I'm doing okay and not thinking about him much..he calls or appears where I am! WTF...its annoying! All I have to stay in this short, venting blog is:

When you are ready to grow up and be me! Until then (as the Ting Ting's would say it) SHUT UP AND LET ME GO! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, inevitably, we've all had a Justin-Bobby in our life. Sometimes people "COULD" be perfect for each other but for one tiny reason or another, they just aren't.

    I miss my Justin-Bobby from time to time! =)
