Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Difference!

Needing someone just isn't my style.  I truly hate depending on anyone for anything.  Unfortunately for me I threw myself into a situation that consequently made me dependent on everyone & everything!  My family, my friends, public transportation, roommates, my feet, my job, my boyfriend, my cell phone, my..well, you get the point.  Now that  I (only with my family's help) have pulled myself out of that terrible situation, I needed time to find myself.  What did I really want?  Who am I?  Where am I heading in my life?  Who are my real friends?  Am I happy? 

I took the leap about a month ago and went on a "soul" searching journey.  I have landed (previous to my leap) the best job I could hope for at this point in my life.  I work with amazing people who appreciate me and my work ethics!  I enjoy all the responsibility that they allow me to take on.  I have ended a few friendships that seemed to be bringing me down and not uplifting me to where I want to be.  Shawn & I split for the time being.  I couldn't ask for a better friend right now.  He gets that I need this time to figure out what I want and who I am.  I dove back into working out.  I go to Zumba 1-3 times a week and the gym on my off days.  I've lost 12lbs so far.  **Go Me, Go Me!**  I am starting to find the Happy Cait again!  I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  And although I am lonely at times and wish somethings could have worked out better, I am in a much better place already!

So, the difference is that I don't need anyone or anything.  Instead, I WANT them!  I realize now what type of people I want in my life.  I realize the type of things I want to surround myself with.  Have I figured out all the answers to my questions?  Of course not, but I'm well on my way to finding the answers.  And to top off all this progress I'm making internally, I'm going to Florida next month to spend time with some of the best friends I could ever ask for!  I can't wait! 

I wanted to post this for all of my family and friends that have been worried or concerned with me the past few months.  I also want to thank you for never giving up on me.  For letting me grow up on my own schedule and for encouraging me to keep at it!  For telling me not to constantly beat myself up about my past.  You know who you are and I love you so much!  Will keep you posted on my progress.  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Cait! Real and Raw...good luck with your journey of self discovery. Sometimes its painful but in the end you will find joy:) Love you so very much!
