My dear friend Leslie once told me that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or forever. I would like to dedicate this blog to all of my forevers....
My family-I would be nothing without you! You stuck by me through all of my hard times (which I've had a lot), been there to cheer me on for my most memorable moments, and have seen but not judged me at my worst. All though I'm not a super family oriented at times, I love all of you: Matt, Jordan, Allie, Betsey, Leslie, Mom & Dad, my soon to be 14 neices & nephews, and my extended family.
Cait2-It was love at first sight! ;) lol. Cait2 was my PIC (partner in crime) for years. Even when I got married and lost touch with all of my friends she understood and was there for me during my divorce. I was really afraid that me moving half way accross the country from her would weaken our friendship but it didn't. Cait2 is definately a forever in my life and I thank her for that.
A-Mack-Boy oh boy have we been through some times. Ash is my BCB president (buttercup bandits), a best friend, a sister from another mother, my penut to my Ashley has definately been a mentor to me and has lifted me up through my tough times. And the tough times that we've been through as friends has not ruined our friendship at all but made it stronger. Thanks Ash!!!
Duncan Baskin-The one and only man that I love as equal to my dad & brothers. Duncan & I have known eachother since 6th grade and I've considered him my best friend and the best boyfriend I could ever ask for! Duncan left for boarding school 9th grade and unfortunately we lost touch but to my surprise he showed up in my 11th grade Enlish class! I was so excited to have him back! Duncan is one of the most real, down to earth, loving people I have ever met and I wish him nothing but the best. I LOVE YA DUNK! :)
Moni Love & Allison-Sorry girls but I had to clump ya together because that's how we roll! lol. Allison was the very first friend I met in Jensen Beach and moni was soon to come after. These girls are so awesome and I know will always be there for me and I will for them!
Jordan Greene-My best guy friend growing up. Jordan & I don't keep close touch since I've moved, but Jordan will always be a forever in my life. Although Jordan was friends with both my ex & I he never chose sides and always stayed loyal to me as a friend. I lover face you jordan!
Last but not least...
TAMINA-I've only known Tamins for a little over a year but I know now she will be a forever in my life. This is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She is a single mom of 4 handsom boys, has a demanding job, and still finds time to enjoy a little time for herself. I couldn't have asked for a better friend! :)