Leslie, my sister, and I were chatting online like we normally do and she randomly states "I like your blog" I say back, "You are weird" and she says "Why, I just like it...." lol. I LOVE YOU LES!!!
There is this thing going around Facebook right now. You right 25 random facts about yourself and then "tag" a certain amount of friends so they do it as well. It's like a dumb chain letter. And because I insist in being Anti facebook I will list my 25 random facts on here so I don't have to tag anyone. LOL....
1. I don't know all of the United State names, let alone how many states there actually are.
2. I blush at EVERYTHING! Literally! Mom could say hi to me and I'd blush.
3. If I wouldn't gain weight my diet would consist of the follwing: Sunflower seeds, popcorn, fried chicken, and grandma's fried okra. :)
4. I talk to myself a lot. Maybe even enough to make some think I'm crazy. lol.
5. I absolutely LOVE teenagers. I wouldn't mind having 2 or 3 teenagers but I am terrified of babies. And the thought of giving birth not only makes me want to barf my brains out it also gives me panic attacks! So if sometime in the future I can just have teenagers without giving birth...that is what I will do. Oh wait...isn't that what adoption is for???
6. I coached cheerleading for 8 years. It is my passion. It is the most amazing feeling seeing your squad succeed and having numerous teenagers or children look up to ya.
7. I was supposed to graduate in 2002 which would have been considered early. After flunking economics I opted to graduate on time in 2003. I got lazy and didn't grad until 2004...after I was married. My diploma is in my married name...LOL.
8.Beauty school drop out was sung to me when I left cosmetology school to pursue other ventures in Atlanta, GA.
9. Being a fraidy cat is something that I deal with on a daily basis. I am so fraid of the dark I still sleep with the light on.
10. I have never been sent or even given flowers from a man.
11. I am afraid of birds. No particular reason other than they can poop on you at any given time w/o any warning! lol
12. I dance ALL the time. In my car, in the shower, when I'm washing the dishes, in my head....ALL the time. But most of the time I dance in the mirror. :)
13. I still day dream. Actually that's normally how I fall asleep at night. My daydreams can consist of anything from me being successful living in a penthouse in MIA to being a hip hop music video dancer.
14. I cannot spell to save my life. And 90 percent of the time I forget to proof read or spell check my work. lol
15. I'm extremely self conscious and completely self confident...all at the same time!
16. I claim to never want to get married again because I am scared of getting hurt. But I am a hopeless romantic and would love to find someone that completed me. (wow...that couldn't have come out anymore corny!)
17. I'm extremely materialistic in a cheap way. I love designer clothing, accesories, and such but will only buy them at discount stores such as Ross.
18. I have such a high standard for a man I would let myself actually love that I will never fall in love.
19. Over the past year I have grown to love crafts, making anything home made, and cooking. I know who would have thought!!!!
20. I have a freckle in my eye. The technicle term is speckle.
21. I love the beach and ocean. BUT i hate sand and I am too afraid to swim in the ocean b/c of sharks.
22. I won a Kareokee contest once because I rapped the words to "We are family".
23. I once worked for Dominos for 3 hours. I quit when we were slow and a supervisor told me to wash the dishes. I told him that I didn't wash dishes and walked out...lol
24. Although you can't tell, I had braces for 4 1/2 years. No more than a year after having them off my top teeth seperated again.
25. I would give my right arm in order to have all of my family living in Jensen Beach, FL again!